Friday, February 20, 2009

Viz 3 Assignment Response - from Toni

I found Correa et al. 2007 ( interesting and directly applicable to what I currently do in the lab. The article explores methods of allowing a viewer to physically manipulate a data set as a means of data exploration. Such probing would be similar to touching and deforming an object with ones hands. The general scheme for deformation involves deforming data points through a displacement map or procedure then sampling these points according to a volume representation. It may be possible to carry out such an operation on data using software such as Volview. The figure to the left demonstrates such a deformation and how it can be useful in highlighting relevant features in a data set. I work with macromolecular structures that might benefit from similar manipulations. For example, atomic resolution structural data of very large protein complexes may be easier to navigate if one can easily deform surrounding atoms to view buried subunits, ligands, metals, etc.

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